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for combat and tactical environment

Respira Compact respirator: 

from Nanologix, is a new generation half mask, the development of which took into account reliable functionality with high comfort of use. The basic requirement for the correct functioning of each breathing half mask is to ensure a perfect seal at the interface of the flexible part of the half mask and the face. This tightness was achieved by gradual developmental design steps, which included in particular the optimization of the shapes of the individual parts of the mask. The individual dimensions are based on an anthropometric study of the human face with a focus on the European population and represent the mean values of the size ranges of the morphometric dimensions of the adult human face. Maximum flexibility and the ability to perfectly copy the human face is achieved both by the geometry of the cheek - the abutment surface adjacent to the face, and by the high flexibility of the selected material. The RESPIRA half mask for the flexible part uses a special type of silicone, which was developed specifically for use in healthcare, and therefore meets the most stringent requirements. The maximum flexibility of the silicone allows the pressure applied by the cheek to the face to be evenly distributed, thus achieving perfect tightness and at the same time high comfort of use even during long-term use. In addition, silicone is characterized by high chemical resistance, and therefore there is no risk of damage to the half mask when it comes into contact with a wide range of chemicals. Another significant advantage of this material is the minimal tendency to permanent deformations, which allows the half mask to be stored in a folded state in small packages. Once unpacked, the half mask takes on its original shape and is ready for immediate use. In addition, due to its extreme resistance to aging, silicone does not lose its flexibility, which ensures a significantly extended service life of the half mask. The rigid part of the half mask used to clamp the filter is made of a high-performance thermoplastic polymer, which is reinforced with a fibrous filler to increase strength. It is a material characterized by perfect adhesion to the silicone part, which is necessary to ensure a reliable seal. The connection of the silicone to the rigid part is strong enough to withstand even considerable mechanical loads.



Protective  breathing half mask  Respira can be equipped  a circular filter which is attached to the facial part by means of a threaded connection. The design of the connection is designed so that changing the filter is easy and intuitive, without the need to remove the half mask from the face.

This round thread system thus allows a very fast filter change with just one user hand. This design solution results from the needs of users in crisis situations, where the speed and ease of installation of the filter often fundamentally affects the level of health protection. The tightness at the interface of the fixed part of the half mask and the filter is ensured by a silicone sealing ring, which is anchored to the filter body. Thanks to its properties, this ring ensures a reliable seal for the entire life of the mask, as it does not squeeze and lose elasticity. The circular filter itself is designed to suit a wide range of filter materials. The minimum normatively determined filter area of 150 cm2 in terms of breathability is safely met and can be significantly increased by increasing the density of the filter material storage. The filter element is fixed in the filter using a special adhesive, which ensures not only the strength of the connection at the interface of the filter element with the fixed parts of the filter, but also perfect tightness.

Uniqueness of Respira filters  is that he was the only and first manufacturer to use  filter material made purely of NANO fibrous materials, at the same time the only one, the company Nanologix  placed  exhalation valve for circular filter. The intentional use of the exhalation valve on P3 filters ensures the user's unique comfort in its use. The design of the filter is also designed so that the exhaled air pressure is used to regenerate the filter element. This unique system extends the life of the filter in an contaminated environment, as the exhaled air partially cleans the filter element of trapped particles. Achieved values of measured capture are 99.99%


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  • - Maska je vyrobena ze silikonů určených pro zdravotnictví s paměťovými prvky a je velmi lehká.

    - Filtr má schopnost zachytit částice mnohonásobně menší než je COVID 19.

    - Filtr může být v normálních podmínkách používán až 100 dní (obrovská úspora pro uživatele v čase oproti FFP2/3)

    - Při kontaktu s infikovaným pacientem není nutné filtr ani masku vyhazovat, dají se desinfikovat.

    - Masku je možné kombinovat se štítem nebo brýlemi.

    - Eliminuje problémy s alergiemi

    - Je možné ji mít na sobě mnoho hodin

    - Tvarová paměť (dá se sbalit do kapsy a po vyjmutí se vrátí do původního tvaru)

    - Díky unkátní konstrukci je filtr bezpečnější než jiná dostupná řešení na trhu.

    - Každý filtr je lepen a testován na funkčnost před odesláním k zákazníkovi.

    - Má natolik nízký dechový odpor, že je možné s touto maskou i běhat. 

    - Maska je velmi ekonomická a ekologická.

    - Materiály jsou recyklovatelné

    - Maska byla úspěšně testována ve všech klimatických podmínkách.

    - Tento výrobek ve spojení s příslušnou polomaskou splňuje základní bezpečnostní požadavky normy:

    EN 1827+A1:2009 FM P3 R D, EN 1827+A1:2009 FM P2 R D, EN 1827+A1:2009 FM P1 R D 

    a normy

    EN 143:2000/A1:2006 P3 R, EN 143:2000/A1:2006 P2 R, EN 143:2000/A1:2006 P1 R a je označen symbolem CE1024.

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