Revac IFAK - BRAVO LT1 (" Low Threat ") is a vacuum-packed set containing easy-to-apply medical material into an environment with a reduced risk of injury, designed in this version for police officers who have injured themselves or have to deal with it in the context of mutual assistance in patient trauma. Its content focuses on life-threatening conditions, especially massive bleeding from the limbs, penetrating chest injuries, airway obstruction associated with breathlessness, non-massive bleeding, hypothermia and penetrating eye injuries, which must be addressed immediately within the algorithm
After removing any amount of medical material, our system allows re-evacuation of air and thus protection and simultaneous compression of the contents of REVAC IFAK - BRAVO LT1 .
Contents of standard equipment REVAC IFAK - BRAVO LT1 :
M - Massive bleeding :
1x SWAT TQ (Esmarch type throttle without beam / ratchet mechanism)
1 x S-Rolled gauze (vacuum packed non-hemostatic gauze)
A - Respiratory tract:
1x Face mask
R - Breathing / chest injury:
1x Beacon chest seal (1x chest cover with flap)
C - Circulation / non-massive bleeding:
1x T3 Bandage (4 "pressure bandage with non-hemostatic gauze)
H - Hypothermia prevention:
1x Isothermal foil
1x Fixed eye cover
E - Personal protection:
1x Bear claw gloves (nitrile gloves)
E - Injured party documentation:
1x Injured card + alcohol handle
We recommend wearing a vacuum-packed set separately (in uniform) or it placed in our Revac IFAK (not included).
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for combat and tactical environment
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