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for combat and tactical environment

A multifunctional elastic type of Esmarch's strangler / turnstile, used primarily to stop massive sources of bleeding in the upper and lower limbs. Designed for application both in self-help with the need to use both hands of the rescuer, ie. unsuitable for application to the upper limb in the form of self-help) as well as mutual assistance. It can also be used in combination with gauze or hemostatic gauze to control junctional bleeding sources or to secure these materials when non-massive bleeding sources are stopped, as an improvised pressure bandage, thanks to pictograms located around the SWAT-T perimeter. The change in the shape of the shape will tell the rescuers how much tension must be developed to stop the specific type of bleeding (massive vs. non-massive).


Excluding Sales Tax
  • 11.43 cm x 74.62 cm x 1.52 cm

  • 283.50 g

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